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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Strawberry Sorbet Thermochef Video Recipe cheekyricho Youtube Channel

How to make Marscapone Cheese Thermochef Video Recipe cheekyricho

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

It's another Tequila Sunrise

Songs & movies have been made about it. A very easy refreshing colourful drink make one today and pretend you are somewhere warmer. Check it out on our cheekyricho YouTube channel

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Cauliflower Mash

Let the Thermochef do the cooking. This low carb one pot creation is healthy, low in Carbohydrates, fresh and very economical this time of year. Not the biggest fan of cauliflower unless its swimming in cheese sauce or stir fries but this is something else. Fresh young caulis will have the kids thinking you have a new mashed potato recipe. Check out how to make it and more on our cheekyricho YouTube channel.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Ipad gloves.

Am I the only one who gets really cold hands using the ipad or iPhone? I just bought these warm gloves/mittens. Apple should sell them. They are perfect for keeping your hands warm because you can leave one finger out to use the ipad. You can take photos without removing your entire glove. The mitten part velarise back out of the way for driving the car or using the phone, not at the same time! They are warm and have a grip on the palm for walking the dog etc. how many uses can you think of for these simply amazing winter finger warmers? They are made by Thinsulate and have thermal insulation properties.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Sculptured Scallops

This is an unusual idea. They spiral cut a potato, batter it, deep fry it and serve it with your choice of sauces. They suggest you eat it with a glass of icy cold beer, which just happens to be for sale in the adjoining stall. Like a spud kebab meets a streamer. What will they think of next for carnival food?

An interesting day at Primex Agricultural Sow

We spent the day wandering around about 6 kilometres of exhibitors at the Primex Ag Show, bought lots of tools n gadgets, had an unusual lunch. Saw interesting labour saving devices and products. The weather threatened to get really ugly and then held off all day. We gained lots of knowledge and had a good day walking around in the fresh air and cloud shine. A productive day we think.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Been Fishing

A very successful days fishing was had with a variety of fish caught. Visited by dolphins and sea turtles but no whales this time. Check out out cheekyricho YouTube channel this week for the recipe for this delicious whole baked snapper. Moist sweet and tender and it doesn't get much fresher or healthier. 

Oopsie Bread Chicken Burgers

It's hard to believe how delicious and sustaining these burgers are. We loaded them with roast chicken , baby spinach, cheese and warm semi dried-tomatoes. No butter and no sauce, now that's a first. They were delicious and here it is dinner time and it has kept us going without needing a mid arvo snack. They don't actually taste the same as bread but they are a fantastic tasting gluten free alternative and as you can see they perform very well in this application. To see how to make them and much more check out our cheekyricho YouTube channel.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Edible garnishes Demonstration

You have just made a delightful tasting meal and the presentation, well, it tastes better than it looks. Pimp and pomp any platter dish or food display with easily made edible food garnishes show casing OR contrasting the creation you have just presented. Here at the cheekyricho  kitchen we love making easy wholesome tasty pretty food. So grab your sharpest paring knife a bunch of different fruits and vegetables n start carving little food sculptures out of the contents of your vege crisper. When the displays over pop them into your mouth n savour the flavour of your personal food art. Check it out and much more on our cheekyricho YouTube channel.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Cheaters Chocolate Banana Cream Pie

Unexpected guests and not sure what to feed them with a cuppa? Grab some pantry staples and some fruit and whizz up these little numbers. Quick as a wink to make, taste and smell great and your drop ins will think you're really clever. Great for after school snacks and lunch boxes too. Checkout how to make our Cheaters Chocolate Banana Cream Pies and much more on our cheekyricho youtube channel.

Oopsie bread & Beef with Vege soup

It's winter and time to make some yummy fresh beef & vege soup. This hearty warming comfort food is made quickly in the pressure cooker, will keep for several days in the fridge and tastes even better the next day when the flavours have had a chance to develop. Eat it with hot buttered toast, bagels, english muffins or crusty bread rolls BUT if you want something a little different, gluten free, low in carbs and great with soup make some of year easy oopsie bread rolls. Guaranteed to impress, they are light, mild tasting, a snap to make and they look funky too. Check out how to make these and much more on our cheekyricho YouTube channel.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

How to make a Cronut at home.

The craze sweeping the United States coinciding with National Donut Day is the hybrid cousin of the Donut. A cross between crisp light flaky buttery croissant and soft chewy fried donut. introducing our cheekyricho verion of A CRONUT, this delightful crisp Pastry treat has had people queuing   up for hours for the opportunity to purchase a maximum of 2 Cronuts. What is all the fuss about, we set out to find out. If you want to make your own handmade Cronuts at home just check out our cheekyricho YouTube channel, where we show you how to make our version of this outstanding soon to become classic CRONUT. Is it worth the fuss and bother? Absolutely, this is without a doubt the most delicious pastry donut combination available. About to become our latest most asked for addictive tea time treat. From the first bite of this air filled buttery rich crisp outer shell to the moist layered leaves of pastry filled with the rich oozy vanilla creme patisserie filling topped with mouth watering lime glaze you will be as hooked as us. Every flavour texture layer component is an experience but in combination the result is nothing short knee trembling. Make an effort and reap the reward. You will be so glad you did.  See you round like a CRONUT !               

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Brisbane Caravan Show

Spent the day wandering around the Brisbane Camping. Surprised by the absence of many regular exhibitors. The weather was good and there were very few surprises. Usually there are an excessive number of new and innovative products to marvel at. Apart from a few caravan design differences we did not enjoy the show as much as usual. There were actors in costume walking around. Musicians with loud instruments. Why?  I wonder how much of the $18 admission fee was dedicated to this unnecessary distraction. Did we get value for the admission price? We don't think so. Many people were complaining about the admission, parking and food. There was a very good variety of caravans, campers and slideons but the camping side was quite limited. Many times information gathering and conversations were interrupted by a one man band, a town crier and Wild West cowboy and cowgirl. Among other 'clowns' this was a Caravan Show not a circus. The little lass selling ice creams had a beautiful well
Priced product but unfortunately was situated out of the way of the main show.   A number of comments were overheard by people wanting to find the 'gadgets' and camping accessories so popular at the events. They simply weren't there. Unless you are serious about buying a new caravan or camping vehicle you will probably be disappointed too.

Monday, 3 June 2013

New fridge tomorrow and we are ready.

The kitchen has been modified, wall removed, tiles replaced, plastered, painted and architraved. All ready for the new fridge, can't say I'm going to miss running between the emergency fridges we set up. Black tea is not so bad, sure beats a 5 minute walk to get a dash of milk. That fine film of plaster dust is everywhere its going to be a major to sort that. Only thing left to do is remove a fixed panel in a sliding door for access. Can't leave a gaping hole overnight so it's an early start tomorrow. With a new big freezer I might celebrate and make some Passionfruit ice cream with all these ripe passionfruit on our vine. You will have to check that out on our cheekyricho youtube channel a bit later.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

What is going on with YouTube and google plus???

I have just been totally dismembered and scattered to the far corners of a 10 sided room. Is it me or is everyone having these terrible issues with everything being either locked in , locked out or worse still LOST.   Give me a break! I grew up with cuisinaire rods not gigabytes and RSS. How will we ever sort this mess out? Even my latest YouTube videos have toddled  off and started a channel
Of their own and won't listen to me. arghhhh I created them. That's gratitude for you. Had to walk away from it, can't see the keyboard for the hair I'm pulling out.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Home made Tacos from scratch.

Ever bought Taco shells and they had a funny taste? That could be due to the oil used to cook them has gone rancid. When you heat these Tacos they are very oily. They are expensive(for what they are) and are they healthy? Want to make a cheaper home cooked version? They don't taste exactly the same but they are very easy to do and you know exactly whats in them. With no added oil you can feel a little less guilty about that low fat cheese and sour cream you love to add. This week on our cheekyricho YouTube channel we will be showing you how to make delicious fish tacos from scratch. We even caught the fish. So ready to make some delicious healthy Fish Tacos with us.