Island holiday we had some fresh young coconut juice to drink straight from the shell. Despite the heat this water was cool, sweet and refreshing. I had forgotten how delicious it was, we used to take them for granted when they use to drop on the lawn, where we used to live. Coconut water was free and plentiful and along with our fresh Tahitian limes made a delightfully refreshing summer drink to keep you quenched and hydrated.
Our appetite for more coconut was whetted sufficiently, when we returned home, for me to trawl through various shops finding the heaviest, freshest specimens of young coconuts for a few recipes I intend to post. First cab off the rank after our Home made Coconut Cream is a Gluten and Dairy Free 4 ingredient Coconut Bread, followed by Divine Dairy and Gluten Free Coconut Pancake Recipe. We are certainly going Nutty for coconuts at the moment. Might have to make another batch of our Kaya coconut jam to go with it.

It's surprising how wonderful this tastes and how much it makes. This coconut cost me $2.50 but if you are lucky enough to have access to free ones this delicious recipe will cost you nothing to make. We also made a creamy PiƱa Colada with the residual cream left in the jug, this 1970's favourite party cocktail is just as good to drink today
And you almost smell the tropical sea breeze and hear the gently rhythmic sway and rustle of the coconut fronds.
This recipe is so versatile we served it instead of yoghurt or cream for a Dairy free topping on our upcoming Coconut Pancake Recipe. Yummo, better stay tuned for that little beauty.