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Sunday, 27 April 2014

I am in Mourning

It is with a heavy heart I write this post. This week I lost 2 of my most treasured possessions. A person I classified as my friend and my most highly treasured gift of all time. A bottle Jean Patou Joy Parfum. Not only was it the most expensive perfume in the world, it was 7.5 grams of pure love.
The background regarding me becoming the proudest owner of such an exquisite gift is as follows. 
Many years ago the love of my life took me on my first overseas holiday to mainland USA and Hawaii. Airlines used to drag the duty free trolley up the aisle for passengers to purchase items. We bought alcohol, cigarettes and a couple of souvenir type things for the kids back home. We didn't have a credit card so we used our holiday American Currency. It was A long flight and sometime either while I was asleep or had gone to the bathroom my doting lover managed to buy me a bottle of Joy parfum. I was unaware he did this, to be honest I had never heard of it. After our eventual arrival   And we were safely ensconced in a 5 star hotel(part of our holiday package I don't usually travel in such luxury) he produced this little box from his jacket pocket. It was a white box with a black outline and the word joy simply emblazoned on the front. Inside was a little gold box housing a small black bottle with a red lid tied with a gold thread ribbon. This single gesture was to become the most significant sentimental symbol of our love for each other. I remember the funny grin on his face as he placed it in my hands as if it were happening right now! He knew it would mean more to me than anything I had ever experienced before. He said he was giving me Joy as I had given him so much Joy and he wanted me to feel like a Princess for the rest of our lives together. It was true romance in an exotic hotel room with my soul mate on the other side of the world and was to become the beginning of some of the happiest times of my life. We weren't rich, the holiday had been long saved for it was disgracefully extravagant and oh so personal. I felt ultimately blessed and a bit guilty he had spent so much on me. I wasn't sophisticated or used to such sincere displays of affection. Our later gifts to each other would be of a more practical nature, car tyres, microwave ovens, washing machines, BBQ, lawn mower or clothing. He insisted I try it on, the heady sweet rose fragrance filled the entire room with one tiny dab from the little glass dauber. It was the most romantic moment in my life, up until then or even to this day. It was so precious I rarely used it. I even used kept it in a safe it was that sacred.
A few years before that day, 
I had just extricated myself from a very abusive relationship where I was forbidden to wear perfume, makeup, nice clothes of have friends, lest I attract attention from the opposite sex. I was regularly beaten, belittled and humiliated. I was constantly checked on, controlled, forced to shop at second hand clothing stores while he bought hand made Italian leather boots for himself and if he couldn't decide on which style of jacket to buy for himself he bought them all. The whole time he was whoring around behind my back and I was obviously the laughing stock of my work place. 

The transition from a man who I now believe thought of me as a possession to be downtrodden and beaten into submission,  to a man who placed me on a pedestal and actually worshipped me as an equal person, sought and valued my opinion. Treated me with the utmost respect and clearly wanted to be with me forever and please me, was overwhelming and surreal to say the least.
I wore Joy at our engagement, our marriage and sadly much later to his funeral. He was taken from me far too young by a Heart problem. He had the kindest most generous heart of anyone I had ever known. We had no idea something that strong would fail us. 
Years later I have cherished that one little bottle of parfum with reverence befitting the ritual it has come to signify. It's the sort of thing you would dab behind your daughters ears on her wedding day and she would understand and appreciate the almost holy significance. 

I have had an ongoing unpleasant battle with a person in my life who is constantly trying to change, control and conform me to her ideals. It has come to a point where I don't like spending too much time with this person as she makes me uncomfortable. I cared very much for her and whilst I have never agreed or approved a single decision in her life I have supported and bailed her out of númerous stupid situations she has regularly placed herself in, without reproach or judgement. Other than to point out the alternatives she might have considered to avoid her present predicament.I have accepted her for who she is and constantly made excuses for her disrespectful manner in which she treats me. We do not have a single thing in common, she doesn't realise the value of anything. She is judgemental, offensive and vicious. I am different to her and always will be. I accept that. I cannot instill my values in her and her constant incessant barrage of unwarranted and uncalled for measures at trying to force me to conform to her unrealistic standards have had a detrimental affect on our relationship. She is vain and obsessed with body image, suffered from significant eating disorders. Is overly and compulsively concerned with appearance and tries to ram these unrealistic and unnatural non values down my throat. Her constant criticism of my diet and habits is unbending snd tiresome. She rates experience, enjoyment and travel, over possessions ( experience won't feed or provide for your children) I have never met someone so wasteful. Her idea is to travel the world enriching your children's lives with experience and culture yet have nothing but memories to show for it. She has learnt nothing from me and I have no interest whatsoever in adopting her bohemian lifestyle. She is more educated than me but I am more experienced and worldly. I am sorry I have never told her how many times she has disappointed me, although she is so belligerent and self obsessed I doubt she would care. 
If you have been following this blog you would know recently spent a couple of weeks in hospital. My recovery will be slow and painstaking. I had hoped to come home to a peaceful environment to recouperate and heal. I had tried to ensure preparations were in place to facilitate this, it was to be a relaxing gentle time. 

This person insisted against my wishes in coming to care for me, it was definitely against my wishes. I tried as gently as possible to refuse this assistance. The very idea of being bed bound and unable to escape the constant tongue torture I am subjected to filled me with dread. Absolute dread, I did not look forward to coming home. The stress was overwhelming. She did come, I was unable to stave it off. I kept to myself. She was attentive and cooked meals, which were healthy and I enjoyed. I was unable to see what she got up to, each time I asked she said she was cleaning something or looking for something. I didn't want her to do either. She is not nearly as fastidious in her own domestic circumstances. 
My house is a home. It is cluttered and filled with things that are significant and special to me. I collect things, I love garage sales,  I have had numerous hobbies and there is lots of evidence of my past. I'm a boots n all kind of person who throws herself headlong into projects. It used to be paper crafts, tapestries, sewing and other arty crafty type pastimes. They were a source of release and inexpensive entertainment to me. I love to read! I will read anything I collect books and I read them. Sometimes I give them away. I even sold one once but the rest are there for my pleasure. I do not like to part with them. I am told I am a hoarder. So be it. I am not hurting anyone. This is my space I should be able to use it as I see fit. It is my business and no one, absolutely no one, else's business. If you don't like my clutter and collections DONT COME!!!!! If you don't want your friends to see my harmless,  yet fulfilling to me, eccentricity don't bring them to experience my generosity. I wouldn't want to embarrass you.
If you have problem with the way I live, that is your problem
Definitely not mine.
Don't hold meetings behind my back about how worried I am making you. How you can change me if you just keep harranging and badgering me into submission, trying to gain support for your selfish cause. This is me like it or lump it. Demanding inventory on when I last wore, used, watched, read or listened to this or that. I have watched you all throw things out just to have to replace exactly the same thing a short time later. I have allowed you to dump your excess on me only to come get it later. I don't care. I am happy to safely store anything for anyone. I will always do you 10 good turns before I accidentally inadvertently do you one bad one, which if it happens I will rectify as soon as possible.
There was a house fire when I was a child that destroyed my childhood toys. I had nothing to hand down. I have stored my children's toys, photos, videos, locks of first haircuts,  school reports and achievements to hand down to their children. They are free to destroy them
If they wish at least they have the option. There is absolutely nothing from my early past. Not even memories.
On Thursday I had to go my doctor for post op checkup. I made the dire mistake of allowing this person to stay behind at my home. By the time I had returned exhausted she had emptied drawers, cupboards, systematically removed everything from my bathroom cabinets, then reloaded them hollow behind and faced full at the front to deceive me into thinking they had not been tampered with. I was not up to checking or aware of the carnage that had taken place. Brand new unopened bottle of bath gel with 24 carat gold flakes, Clinique, Estée Lauder, soaps, treasures and my most beloved and cherished bottle of Joy taken to the garbage. Not even my garbage (where I might have some hope of recovering  it) but to a garbage in a neighbouring town. 10 kilometres away.!!!!!! Where it was unretrievable. A complete and total, stunningly deceitful and cunning act of malicious intent that I will never recover from. The absolute vicious efficiency with which this planned attack on my most private domain was executed has left me exquisitly distraut that someone I explicitly trusted would even consider to perpertrate on me. I have been pillaged, robbed and destroyed. Of all the low points this person has reduced me to this is the lowest. There is NO PLACE for her in my heart or life ever again. I really hope this outstanding victory has been worth it for her. The casualty is heavy and complete. She has lost her most trusted undying friend, who accepted her without question, who would have died for her. 
She no longer exists.
Here is a photo of a bottle similar to my precious Joy. It is empty and with out its box in average condition selling on eBay at the moment for just under $100 AU
Money could not have bought my pristine almost full bottle of Joy from me, not at any price. I will never have it again!!!!!! The sentimental value was irreplaceable.

I cannot show you how my bathroom sanctuary looked prior to its decimation. I had a large bath width shelf filled to the brim with potions, creams, scrubs, real gold flecked bubble bath, masques, perfumed soaps, perfume, body wash, shampoos and all things girly for an indulgent relaxing ablution. The place I go to sit in steamy perfumed bubbles and rejoice in my happy place. This is not my bath shelf but I do like the variety and chaotic colours and textures.
You are now looking at my bath shelf. The same shelf I designed and created (and yes we even tiled it ourselves with Australian Red Cedar accents, to display my bath time enhancements) modelled on that fancy marble  tiled to the ceiling hotel bathroom so Many years ago in San Francisco. Where I became the proudest owner of the finest bottles of Parfum in the entire world! Where my heart literally almost burst with JOY that I had finally found someone who wanted me to his lady and who was proud to be my man.

My bathroom had a baby scented perfumed smell, when you opened the door after a long day this homely fragrance greeted you. Did I die in that hospital or am I in gaol, or unwittingly join a monestary, where the only cosmetics I am permitted are an empty  china trinket box or a cheap stale pot pourri container holding red rose petals from a long dead bouquet.  Neither of which have the slightest bearing or potential to enhance my bath time experience. Statistics have shown that women on average have about 27 different bath time ritualistic fragrance and moisturising products. I must be about average. My stark undecorated shelf totally devoid of my expensive and favourite things that I used vary sparingly to prolong their use is now a constant knife in the gut and twisting actions reminder of a maniacal bitches actions who has total disregard or disrespect for my privacy, comfort or happiness. I am a person who did not deserve to have this done to them and for years I am going to be missing things including the lost future I hoped to enjoy with this person. This  irrevocable, seditious behaviour displayed by this manipulatively, cunning, despicable person responsible for this outrage should never be repeated ever to anyone. 
I was frantic when I discovered  what the bitch had done. In a wild panic I started pulling things from my bathroom cabinet to find a once bulging Cabinet was empty at the back with stuff stacked in front to give the deceitful illusion of fullness. I was hysterical, part disbelief but mostly hope my trinkets and treasures had all been shoved out of site. It was not to be. A $2 bottle of fluoro blue radox survived her carnage. How the *+*+ did that happen??????! Probably the cheapest thing in the bathroom. More revenge was realise when this bottle fell over and smashed all over my iPhone, all over the inside of the cabinet and all over the snowy white grout in my show place bathroom wall and floor tiles. This stain will never be removed, another forever ugly reminder of what happened.  Even the room itself did not survive! I don't remember what I was screaming into he phone, I was too distraut to think. I had thrown my self onto the floor, my leg wouldn't bend in its cast and I couldn't get up out of the slippery staining Radox. It was about 30 minutes of out of control mayhem. I do rember being calmly told it was for my own good, I was being saved from myself, my clutter was going to be the death of me in a fire as I would be unable to escape the flames. Which is perfectly reasonable when you consider that bathroom has no escape route and a 7.5 gram bottle of the worlds most precious parfum was in grave danger of preventing  my exit during a haulicost. I have been filled with a dangerous all consuming rage since that event. Richo has been trying to make me eat. Trying to help accept the truth. Watched me sob and shake my head and thump my scooter in the ground in uncontrollable frustration. He has picked me up and cleaned up the mess I made. He has tried to take tablets away from me and we have discussed the future. I am in a desperately unhappy place and I am sorry I came home. I will always wonder what would have happened, in my relationship with her,  if I only I had stopped her from coming near me when I was so vulnerable. From now on I will be using the No word. I have found it so hard to not acquiesce to everyone's demands of me. I will never be hurt again. This is the last straw. No phone calls, No emails , NO visits and No self righteous bullshit about how I am not good enough. Go find someone else's life to destroy. Go practice yours and your judgemental friends half witted psychology on some other lab rat. I used to be happy! No thanks to you. Why have I tolerated this situation so long ?????? Because we are related!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Day 20 post op ankle reconstruction surgery

Travelled the 240 km round trip to see my Orthopedic Surgeon to have remaining staples removed. There were a couple of not quite sealed areas with significant residual swelling and as a result only half of the staples on each of the major wounds were removed. I must return in another week to have the remainder removed. The feeling sensation and toe wiggling is on track. Still absolutely no load bearing or getting it wet. Dr says " keep looking after our foot"
As you can see the major swelling has subsided and the bruising is fading too. Had a bit if a scoot around Anaconda looking at all the outdoor equipment I hope to be able to use when I am recovered. May have overdone it a tad. Had a very sick , weak moment where I I started to feel quite faint. Quick retreat to subway for a ice coffee and warm Turkey Sanger to either restore my blood sugar or blood pressure, maybe both. 10 more minutes upright and there probably would have been a mess of arms n legs n scooter wheels flat out on the ground. Note to self " take it easy idiot! Actual healing from major surgery is not relative to how I think I am recovering!!!!"
20 days and counting.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Day 15 post op ankle reconstructive surgery

This is my morning view. I had to readjust my scooter, not the easiest thing to do with your leg in the air. I need to see the physio to ensure I have the best method to negotiate stairs, otherwise I'm ground bound when I get home. So looking forward to see my girls I hope Portia remembers me hopefully her doggy dementia is short term. Home day today. I get to smell fresh air .
Home Sweet Home I have. Different ceiling to look at. Note to self 'Dust fan in spare bedroom as soon as able!' This room is always closed up where does the dust come from? 100 minute trip turned into a 200 minute trip to get home. Why were all those people on the road n not at the beach, they can't all have been making an unavoidable trip home from hospital.
The face of contentment the mothers home and we remembered her. The mother seems happy to see us she has some cuddle catch up to do.

Nothing could inspire a person to get back on their feet more than a serious attempt at breaking the recovering persons previous long held fishing record. Richo & Tilly the wonder dog went to catch Good Fridays Tea a 60 cm Flathead with some Actifry sweet potato chips all cooked in home made ghee. Fresh, fast and fabulous. Salad dodging Richo is definitely going fruit & Vege shopping tomoro. Had to laugh at his home made baked dinner today a half a can of cold baked beans. I tell you my kitchen skills are wasted in this household! Good to be home sweet home.

Day 14 post op Ankle Reconstructive surgery

They removed all the loose single staples today. They were all random punch holes in my heel, inner and outer ankle. They were removed by a student nurse( with my permission of course) he was very nervous and one staple was in a difficult position and extremely difficult and painful to remove. I suspect the staple was not opened enough for an unobstructed removal , the pain from that one staple has been evident all afternoon. The remaining  staples must stay for another week, which will necessitate another 250km round trip to see my surgeon. They have moved me yet again to a different floor this time and I have lost my beautiful sunny view. The garden view is dark and even my room was cold. I had a scoot after dinner and my scooter handle bars are crooked and upon stopping they seemed to slide down inside their shaft. I physically can't adjust it myself because of the position. Day 14 and counting.

Day 13 post op ankle reconstructive surgery

The inner ankle view. Swelling is not as obvious as outside of the 

ankle. The skin is healing well but taut shiny and very tender. Looking a bit like an overstuffed teddy bear.
Comparison is getting a little closer to normal. Appetite off a bit today, quite sleepy too. Day 13 and counting.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Easter Recipes (playlist) cheekyricho YouTube

Easter Recipes (playlist)
Cheekyricho YouTube Channel has some fun and traditional ideas for this Easter

Hot cross buns, Easter bread, dyed eggs, fish soup, Easter cakes and plenty of egg recipes & ideas. Check it out and have a Happy Easter.🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐔🐣🐥🐤🍳⛪️
Whether you are on the road or enjoying the outdoors this Easter please drive sensibly, take care and have a safe and Happy Easter. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Day 12 post op reconstructive ankle surgery

It is a gorgeous sunrise. The planes are getting ready to land & take off.
My new ride arrived today. My surgeon sprung me putting it together. It was in pieces and I was surrounded by packing boxes, Allen keys and confusion. He has a wonderful sense of humour and asked me if it came from IKEA, I wish, at least their instructions are easy to follow. Luckily I had my bodgy ankle suspended up in the air so I didn't receive a tongue lashing from him.
That Jet looked a hell of a lot bigger in real Life. Not a shabby view, seems I may be moved again tomoro as they systematically close portions of the hospital for Easter. Many of the surgeons will be away and probably staffing costs over the public holidays have forced people to take time off whether they want to or not.
I have shown you the peaceful then pretty views from my picture perfect windows. In reality I must lay on my back with my leg suspended way above my head to reduce the swelling and the inevitable throbbing pain associated with that swelling. I can sit up at meal times and gaze over my tasty tea tray at the world outside going about its business. My uninterrupted view basically consists of a ceiling. It's not without interest with dividers, lights, vents, speakers and smoke or fire detectors. My home ceiling is much more boring with just one ceiling fan light and the odd Mozzie. Day 12 and counting.

Day 11 post operative ankle reconstructive surgery cheekyricho

The bruising has travelled up to near my knee. I can wiggle my toes freely, the swelling has abated significantly. My boot is no longer too tight. I have wrinkles in my toes and the hard shiny skin surface has relaxed. I am aware that my leg muscle seemed to have withered in just 11 days.
The staples are dry and itchy. The wounds shrunken away from the staples. There will be scarring but if there is no pain after my recovery this will have been worth it.
The Lunar Eclipse this is the best shot I could get from my hospital window. As the moon rose over the sea it was definitely pink but with all the lights in my room, the tinted window, the city skyline lights and the absence of total nightfall this was the best pic I could get. Day 11 and counting.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Day 10 post ankle reconstructive surgery.

Goodbye to my hula dancing car park tree and Hello ocean view, airport runway and seaside Tourist destination. The easiest house  move I have ever undertaken. Didn't even have to unpack my drawers just wheeled in a neat swap. Richo came came to visit. I think he misses me. Or is it my crazy kitchen ideas?
I bought these camp stoves and grill attachments on eBay and he brought them here for me to unwrap & inspect. I am so excited I can't wait to show you this amazing camp accessory. I am Just trying to work out how to collect wood to fire her up. Not sure if the trusty new knee scooter is all terrain. I also got my silicone dough bag. Can't wait to try it on some hot X buns. 
I should be out of hospital by Easter Saturday if all goes well. Then no weight bearing for 6 weeks n 4-6 months in my new Venturi Boot. Plenty of physio n rehab before I can get back to Normal.  There'll be no stopping me then. Just hope Richo can keep up the pace.
Day 10 and counting.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Day 8 post ankle reconstructive surgery

Still got a little bit of an ooze and cramps have intensified. Not feeling as inclined to go scooting around a bit peaked when I get back to bed. My boot is filling with moisture, presumably perspiration. I air it  and dry it everyday. I am in an air conditioned temperature controlled environment and have just had to have a blanket placed under the bottom sheet to help with what appears to be a heat rash. Across my shoulders. I am not usually prone to perspiring but hanging upside down in bed with the lowest point being my shoulders has caused my blood to hangout in the lowest point. I am also a side sleeper so I am surprised I can get any rest having to sleep on my back.

Day 9 post ankle reconstructive surgery

After an uncomfortable afternoon and evening. I finally got relief and slept. Foot to ground is not my favourite. In fact foot to lower than my waist is losing popularity with me. Wonder if I can go through life with my foot above my head. Day 9 and counting

Day 7 post ankle reconstructive surgery

Pain management seems under control. After a restful night a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs, baked beans whole wheat toast with butter & honey,prunes, milk, juice and coffee. Hot shower, visit from Dr and a quick scoot around the 2nd floor. Sent a few emails, made a few phone calls now it's 10.30am. Now what? How many chocolates have I got left? Time for stocktake and possible rationing. I'm out of lives on jelly splash and candy crush. How did that happen? Might read until the book falls on my face.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Day 6 post ankle reconstructive surgery

Today the Pain relief Pump has been removed. I am In Pain. All the tricks I have learnt are not helping. Gravity defying elevation, pillow positioning, scooter ing, getting that just right position in bed, warm shower, medication management. ALL to no avail. Naps have been frequent and welcome. It feels like someone has stuffed my foot into a too tight boot, basted it with a tingling stinging nettle marinade and then popped it in the oven.  The cramps are the worst as my transferred tendon adjusts to its new home on the opposite side of my foot. Nurses were called upon for pain relief  by most people in this orthapaedic ward last night. I wonder if the possible change in Barimetric Pressure due to the impending Cyclone North of us has anything to do with the increased pressure and pain we all experienced? In our newly formed, repaired or replaced joints. 
Dinner was a highlight. Beef Consommé, whole meal roll with butter, salmon with caper sauce and potatoes Lyonnaise, salad? Juice, custard and mandarin  cream slice. 1/2 cup full of pain pills!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Day 5 post operation ankle reconstruction surgery

Tonight's dinner, Chicken & Corn Soup, Fricasee of Veal with seasonal vegetables, whole meal roll and butter and Russian Cheesecake, I ordered that for curiosities sake. Washed it down with a particularly fruity still chilled drink of OJ .someone else is cooking for me,for a change. My shower bag leaked giving my boot an unexpected wash. Tonight I have had a cramp in my foot which is unable to be stretched or relieved for about 4 hours. Come on sleep my friend!
And here she is. This is a loaner until my own arrives. Metallic red paint Disc Brakes. I have just circumnavigated the 3rd floor and all it's wings. Helped pass time until BREAKFAST...... My Physioterrorist will be pleased. Not my name for him, it's his affectionate nickname bestowed by fellow staff.

This has been my companion since surgery. It is a relatively new piece of medical equipment. An automatic pump which delivers a measured dose of local anaesthetic behind the knee effectively controlling pain below that point. With a reported 95% success rate, I am extremely grateful I am not in the 5% who don't receive relief from this very innovative device. It has been in place for 5 days and provided the application site remains clean and operational it can be refilled or have dosage adjustments as required. It's got me for a fan. Hope it's absence is not too disruptive to my pain management. Will keep you posted. Day 5 and counting.

Day 4 post operative reconstructive ankle surgery

All is to be revealed. The ooze has set like a plaster cast, when removed the outside of the ankle shows staples hiding the tendon diversion and the upper staples and punctures show incisions necessary to lengthen Achilles' tendon .
The inside shot shows one of the ooze points, and the incision for the bone fusion of the 4 foot bones. Quite a bit of swelling and bruising evident. We just have to sit and wait for all that to settle before the intensive physiotherapy can commence. Pain is being well managed. Get some new wheels tomorrow.

Day 3 post ankle reconstructive surgery

The view from my Hospital Room. I am able to watch the approaching storms at eye level. That one lone tall tree was doing the Hula today when the wind and sheeting rain hit. There was localised flooding and someone in the area was struck by lightning. I'm in the safest place I could be comforted by the knowledge my car is not in that car park. Now I didn't prepare this food, it is ample in portion nutritious and welcome. I don't even know who ordered it from the menu but we have Fish with Lemon Sauce, seasonal veges & mashed potato. Tomato & Basil Soup, roll & butter
And berry cream Pudding with custard. I have to eat something to help me heal and deal with medication I must take. My normally outrageous appetite seems to be having a day off.

My new wheels. Trialling my new method of transport. I know you want to see my go for a burn but someone's gotta hold the camera. This is how I will get around for the next few days or weeks. It's called a forearm support frame. I just had to edit that because auto correct renamed a firearm support frame. Like I' m in any mood to go shooting! Lucky I spotted that pre publish. Day 3 down n counting!

Day 2 ankle surgery

Look away now if you are squeamish. Dressing was supposed to be changed today but the 'ooze' I developed overnight has halted that progress. When things are settled it will be able see my Doctors handiwork. It's a bit swollen grubby n sore. Day 2 down n counting.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Day 1 ankle reconstructive surgery

I wasn't going to mention why my posts have been a little sparse these last few weeks and of course the coming weeks.  On Friday I underwent 3 major procedures on my left foot. Quadruple bone fusions, tendon detachment and transfer and cutting and lengthening of the Achilles Tendon. I am expected to be in hospital for 2 weeks followed by 6 weeks of non weight bearing recovery finishing off with 4-6 months of wearing a special immobilising boot and rehab. I am still able to prepare and present recipes for you just as soon as I am released from hospital. Those of you who have suffered an ankle injury or with medical training will appreciate I am not feeling the best at the moment. I have a pretty long road ahead but I am optimistic about the outcome, my surgeon is also pleased with my progress so far. Keep the suggestions and requests coming and rest assured as soon as I can get back into the kitchen I will do my best to catch up. I am in research mode for the present and making gazoodles of notes, adapting & simplifying recipes and ideas for you to try. My kitchen will be feeling unloved and neglected at the moment but it's only temporary. I presently have 800 YouTube videos uploaded so hopefully they will keep you entertained and informed until we hit full production again. Thank you for your support  and we hope to be helping you in your own kitchen as soon as possible.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Slow cooker weather is approaching fast.

Richo likes lamb shanks. I don't like fatty meat. When we slow cook the lamb shanks to a sticky gelatinous fork tender consistency I don't serve it with the cooking sauce. I prefer to pull the vines from the meat and chill the sauce, as the fat rises to the surface it solidifies so I can easily remove it and discard it. I am left with a perfect fat free stock which is packed with flavour and an ideal base for my next soup, casserole or risotto. Not everyone's cup of tea but that's how we do it here. The vegetables and meat are so fall apart tender and moist no sauce is required. So if you are health conscious or just dislike the taste and texture of greasy meat it might be worth trying your lamb cooked with this method. The video recipe will be posted to our cheekyricho YouTube channel in the coming weeks.